Willow and Crafts Privacy Policy

This policy relates to personal data that is held by  Willow and Crafts, potential clients, existing clients and previous clients. 

Recording personal data

This policy does not apply to businesses  as this is not required in the legislation, although if you are a business and wish to opt in/out your information will be treated with the same care. 

Why we collect your data  

  • To enable us to respond to your queries.
  • To contact you relating to potential sales and ongoing activities that you have entered into with us e.g when ordering a item , registering on  a workshop.
  • To contact you to promote our activities via newsletter or email marketing that you have signed up to.
  •  This data will be kept only to administer the activites as listed or as required by legal  government bodies as set out in current legislion.

Information that you give us when you

  • Sign up for e-newsletters via our website
    Direct email us
    Make a booking or purchase an item through our website shop or Craft Courses
    When you contact us using social media Facebook etc.
    When you contact us using a telephone


 Security of your personal information

Willow and Crafts will put in place appropriate safeguards (both in terms of our procedures and the technology we use) to keep your personal information as secure as possible.
We will only choose third parties for processing your personal information who do the same.
Willow and Crafts will only store your personal information for as long as necessary for each process.

Collection of data

You have a right to know how your data will be used. Data that will be collected includes the following.

  •  Recording relevent details when  clients book activities , or purchase a item/ service or  workshops include - name, address, emai, phone number, method of payment, reasonable adjustments/ adaptions needed for participants  to attend a workshop/ activity and numbers of people attending.
  • Name and email  contact details when signing into mailing newsltetters
  • Please note -Once the activity has taken place all unnecessary data will be removed from our own database however your contact details may  be still be stored on the 3rd party companies store/ shop front including payment gateways as a legal obligation you will need to contact the companies directly to ask for your data to be removed . 

You can ask for your information to be deleted at any point by contacting us  

Third party organizations who deal with your data 


Craft Courses share you contact details with me when you make a booking

Direct emails
 Google email  

Mailings/ newsletters.

Email Octopus
The option too un-subscribe is available and can be found at the bottom of any mailings or by contacting me and asking me to delete your contact.

Sales payment gateways 

Payment details are transferred securely  and encrypted within PayPal, Stripe, and Zettle , eg craft fairs, art shows etc.  and not stored on our systems.
Create.net website builder for sales and processing  payments through these gateways and forwarding  on enquiries 

Social media platforms  Intagram, Facebook/ Metta  platforms that this website and its owners participate on are subject to the terms and conditions and the privacy policies of each social media platform respectively. 

This website and its owners, through their social media platform accounts, may share web links to relevant web pages.  You are advised to take caution and good judgement before clicking any shortened URLs published on social media platforms  Despite the best efforts to ensure only genuine URLs are published many social media platforms are prone to spam and hacking and therefore this website and its owners cannot be held liable for any damages or implications caused by visiting any shortened links. 

Security and how we store and manage your  digital information 

Relevant data stored on computers owned by Willow and Crafts are kept secure via double fire walls regular update and Microsoft security suit  egular audits as compliant with Microsoft best practises, every effort is taken to maintain security although this cannot be guaranteed
Passwords and encryption will be used to protect electronic data and on 3rd party websites listed above and our email providers.

Additional securities.
 If you have any queries about this policy or if you would like us to remove amend any information that is stored by  us  please contact us  to discuss.

 You have the right to make access requests to see what information is kept by them they also have the right ask for the data to be corrected or deleted and forgotten. You  also have the right to object to the way that their data is handled, for example, it is used lawfully to administer query etc. as set out under Lawful basis for personal data .

What to do if you think that if data protection rules may have been breached.

Willow and Crafts  will keep a record of any personal data breaches, regardless of whether we are required to notify the relevant authorities and will investigate any potential personal data breach thoroughly and act as required by the current GDPR regulations guidance, (25 May 2018) as set out by the ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office),

Policy date May 2024