Animal and bird sculptures
livepages::jquery();?>Hello and welcome to my willow shop
I create create varous realistic as well modern style abstract sculptures which I sell at art shows, events and gallerys and I currently have several artworks for sale as well as seasonal small crafts
Many of my creations are made bespoke to order and as new commisions.
I use only quality basketry willow that I have either grown myself or has been produced by growers based on the Somerset Levels.
Please scroll down for more details and my shop categories including my workshop pages
Events, art shows etc
I often have work on sale in art gallerysm art shows and I events, my 2025 dates will be listed over the next few months on here and my Facebook page
If you live outside of the U.K please contact me to discuss before purchasing. as there may be restrictions on delivering to your country
I offer a variety of workshops in venues in the south of Hampshire Details of the workshops that are currently avaialble can be found via the link below